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Torino Fashion Match 2023

Brokerage Event organizzato durante l’VIII edizione della Torino Fashion Week.

L’edizione 2023 prevede
– Partecipazione alle sessioni di b2b  ( 28/28 e 30 Giugno: https://torino-fashion-match-2023.b2match.io/how-it-works)
– Partecipazione ai TALKs tematici con esperti internazionali di settore (27/28/30 Giugno: https://torino-fashion-match-2023.b2match.io/page-4101)
– Ingresso alle sfilate della Torino Fashion Week 2023 e agli eventi serali (27 Giugno – 3 Luglio: https://torino-fashion-match-2023.b2match.io/page-661)

L’evento si rivolge a:
– Fashion Designers| Start ups| Innovative brands
– SMEs: Textile and accessories’ manufacturing companies
– Retailers |distributors| sales agents |Fashion stores| Wholesaler
– E-commerce Platforms| Digital Platform | ICT provider
– PR Agency | Consulting Agency |Marketing developer |MEDIA provider
– Buyers|Commercial Agents with real interest in finding new products
– Government | R&D organization |Association dealing with Textile and Fashion industry
– Sustainable service providers for textiles and fashion industry
– Investors focused on fashion industry and Female entrepreneurship

– Textile and Fashion (garments and fashion accessories)
– SportsWear| Activewear |SwimWear and textile for Watersports
– Creative Industries (textile and fashion, footwear, leather, accessories and Jewelry)
– ICT and Digital solutions related to the fashion industry
– Resilience (tools and services for the textile industry)
– Retail |E-commerce
– Investment for fashion industry – Female entrepreneurship
– Green Transition | Circular Fashion
– Internationalization

La partecipazione al B2B è gratuita previa iscrizione al link: https://torino-fashion-match-2023.b2match.io/  selezionando come support office IT-FAST

Per maggiori informazioni: