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Surface Engineering of Metals

The Metallurgy Summer School on Surface Engineering of Metals organized by CoMET is focused on the treatments of metals which modify their surface characteristics to meet the specific needs of different industrial applications. The scope of the school is to provide a deep understanding of fundamental concepts, processing and characterization techniques, as well as experimental and numerical approaches to the involved problems. It is organized in lectures on both theoretical aspects and applications, and the attendees will be involved in the analysis of case studies under tutor guidance. The program proceeds from basic concepts to applications. An introductory section is devoted to the solid-state diffusion and the solution of related problems, through analytical and numerical approaches. The experimental techniques most commonly used for investigating the structural and chemical surface properties, will be then illustrated with a selection of representative practical examples. The lectures of the second day will describe and discuss the design criteria, strategies and classification of surface treatments for structural and functional applications, with particular attention to the techniques for manufacturing engineered surfaces from vapour and liquid phase. In conclusion, the program will focus on specific applications, regarding current scientific and technological challenges: batteries and fuel cells, functionalization, corrosion and protection of metal surfaces in automotive, aerospace and medical fields. The school is mainly addressed to PhD students of engineering, materials science, physics and chemistry but post-docs and master students are also welcome.


Per iscriversi



24 - 27 Lug 2022


Bertinoro (FC)